Saturday 31 October 2015

Words & Wonders (24)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

Super link-heavy post this week. For writers looking for Nano resources scroll down!!

In the Writing Cave, this week I have:

- Continued plotting PERSEYUA, which is now ready for writing!! Bring on Nov 1st!

- Written 6,243 words of the demon girl short story I mentioned last week (in the anthology called Ghastly.) Hoping I won't have to leave this unfinished for months while working on Perseyua but I only have TODAY to finish it. Gah!

In my life:

- It's technically my week off but I'm pushing to finish a short story as well as planning PERSEYUA and reading a handful of books. I literally don't know the meaning of the words 'time off.'

On the internet, this week I found useful:
A BUNCH of stuff. Seriously, can you tell I have time to lurk on the internet again or what? Also, I'm actively seeking them out since I like to stuff my brain with advice from knowledgable folks when beginning a new book!

- 7 Lessons I've Learned, by Erin Bowman

- This amazing webinar about prepping a novel.
(Good advice for planning, plotting, & character building from Kami Garcia, Ellen Hopkins, Jonathan Mayberry, & Danielle Paige. It's technically for Nanowrimo but applies to all starting a new draft!)
- Barriers to Love, by Colleen Houck
- Kami Garcia's planning pinterest board, which is FULL of links
- 10 things to do before editing a first draft
- How to nail your novel pacing
- This 30 day author challenge. 
(I HAVE TO FIND TIME FOR THIS!! Looks uh-mazing. Maybe in January, with the new year?)
- Balancing Setting and Plot by Susan Dennard
- Sarah J. Maas and Susan Dennard on world building + books recs with fab world building
- Filter words 
(something I never realised I used until I read this post and was like ... oh ... yeah...)

What have you written this week?

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